The pregnancy

My journey into motherhood

Friday, February 09, 2007

Week 37

It's official! We've made it to 'full term'! The midwives came over to Janet and Case's house yesterday to check out our birthing space and check in with us. All is well and we are feeling very prepared and excited to welcome little Guido into the world. I have no regular contractions yet, just stronger Braxton Hicks and achiness in my back/pelvis region. Definitely swollen hands and face and ankles, but nothing at all to complain about. Without any internal exams yet, the midwivse guess through palpating outside around my pelvis how far the head has descended. Yesterday they guessed at -1 according to the pelvic station chart below.

In the evenings after work I can feel the head putting pressure on my cervix which although a little sore, I get very excited! It's slowly happening!

2 more weeks left of work. I decided to work as long as possible so that I would remain busy until the end. We are prepared, the house is ready and there is not much else to do but I am glad to be at work each day. Other than that I have plenty of time for rest, relaxation and exercise. My last day of work is actually a full day and will include taking kids to the climbing gym and making pizzas...if I have not gone into labour by then, I am sure this will set it off!!!!


  1. I am so excited! Guido is coming!
    He is already on the way!
    I can't wait to see you on Friday.

  2. Ooops, I meant Sunday...

  3. Hurray!!! I remember having such relief when we finally made it to 37 weeks so we could have our home birth. I remember the baby dropping and the change in pressure. I am so excited for you, beyond words I am just so excited!!
