The pregnancy

My journey into motherhood

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Throughout this pregnancy my highlights have always been my midwife visits each month. Now that we are on a weekly visit basis and B Day is coming so quickly, I look forward to these visits more than ever. Jordan has come for several visits, my little 8 year old nephew, Cameron was with me when we heard the heartbeat for the first time and then my parents came for the 35 week visit. In such a casual and comfortable environment, I have never felt rushed. I love to hear the heartbeat, test my own urine, make my own decisions and discuss all the wonderful things going on in my body. I am so amazed and I love my body more than I could have ever thought. Baby conceiving, growing and birthing is to me, the most obvious proof of the inherent mind/body/spiritual connection. From before conception I visualised this journey and called out for this little one to join us. I have shared my body with him for 9 months; I have eaten and exercised in ways I felt were the best for both of us.

We have talked to you and communicated with you throughout all these months and you have always communicated back! You are so active and healthy and I love to feel you move. I love your little feet. I love your little fingers that are always tickling around my pelvis. You have been head down and pointed into my pelvis for so long now. The midwives said you have been very determined-not all babies position themselves into the correct position so early. You do alot of turning still. One morning you will be facing left, hours later you will be facing right. Sometimes you are facing out. I have been working with you on that one - and when I visualise and then get into the cat pose, you always turn around again.

My midwife appointment last week reaffirmed my own feelings that the baby is on his way soon. They said...just hold on 9 more days and you are in the clear for your homebirth. So that has been my focus through all my 'ripe' signs which include:
*more pressure during contractions
*backache/pms cramping
*aching pelvis
*head lowering into pelvis
*weight gain may have leveled off (26lbs)
*slightly higher blood pressure (but still low - I am always low)
*breast swelling...again
*a small amount of 'bloody show' last night.... I think....

So, we have 2 more days and then its up to the little one as to when he wants to make his grand appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Crap!
    You might be having a baby right now! I think I should phone before I head up on Sunday just in case you are in the process of giving birth! Oh my goodness I am so excitied!
