The pregnancy

My journey into motherhood

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Week 25

I am now close to the end of my second trimester. This is my first pregnancy and it has been such a wonderful experience; I have learned so much more about my self and my body. Jordan has learned alot about my body and his self. We have become even closer, which I didn't know was possible.

Previously, I had no real physical complaints, only fatigue, constant bathroom trips and an aversion to any meat/fish. At this point there have been a few minor things that have come up such as muscle cramps in my calves in the mornings and some emotional shifts.

Its almost like the emotional PMS I used to get, but it has been ongoing since early November. I am wondering, however, could it be the pregnancy or could it be the constant rain? Some of these feelings include anxiousness, grumpiness, impatience and sometimes even boredom! I have never been the type of person who is ever bored...but sometimes in my freetime I am feeling bored. Outside of working and household stuff, I am feeling bored. Its too ugly outside to go for a hike. Its too stormy to head up to the Mnts, I don't feel like working on any projects around the house. I am nervously waiting for some outcomes and responses on the documentary I am producing. I just feel kind of out of sorts... I am bummed at having no prenatal yoga classes to attend - I stopped going to my regular classes this past week. I still do some birth stretches and some yoga at home, but its just not the same as a class!

I hate to be so negative, but this is how I have been feeling these past two weeks. For the first time in 8 years and since I have been living on the coast, I have begun to miss the snowy winters of the West Kootenays, where my family live. I miss Christmas there as well. Maybe next year all three of us will head up there and celebrate with them!

Now over to all that is good now. The little one is active and moving around alot. Less random kicks and more smooth movements. I have alot of fun watching when the baby does full flips. We are growing quickly now! Jordan and I are enjoying this time together; our freedom and everything else we know will be forever changed when the little one arrives. We also spend alot of time fantasizing about what life will be like after the birth. Will our baby think we are weirdos? How long will it sleep with us? Who will it look like? Fantasizing is alot of fun at the moment.

I am also really looking forward to our move to Victoria at the end of the summer. Vic is such a fun little city and there will be a ton of great stuff to do with the little one. Jordan will be back in full time school and my job will be to hold the fort down (or up?). I will be a stay at home mom or as some people say S.A.H.M.

For a year anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Guess what... the snow is melting here and it is raining and yucky too....
    Your kid will definately think you are wierd, but not till it is 7. (like cameron, he will barely talk to me in public when his friends are around).
    s/he will sleep with you until you allow it to... Livia slept with me for 2 years, corbin never did. It is definately easier to sleep together, but then you have to deal with the battle of getting your bed(and sex life) back, and it is HARD to listen to your baby cry(when it is the first one).


    By the way, I showed the kids the pictures.
